Conditions Acupuncture Help

Pain Relief
Headache, Migraine, Neck, Shoulder, Back, Lower Back, Leg, Knee, Sciatica, Disc Herniation, Arthritis Including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, etc.

Female Issue
Irregular Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Menopause, Infertility. IVF/ IUI Support, Uterine Fibroid, PCOS (Poly Cyst Ovarian Syndrome)

Internal Desase
Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Allergy, Gastritis, IBS, TMJ, Prostatitis, Diabetes, Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia, Tinnitus, Neurosis, Constipation, Strengthening the Immune System Against Cancer

Beauty Rejuvenation
Wrinkle Removal, Acne, Flat Warts, Yellow Spots, Urticaria, Vitiligo Hair Loss, and Weight Control.

You reached right place if you have fellowing Symptoms
Runny or stuffy nose, Sneezing, Itchy or watery eyes, Scratchy or sore throat,Cough,Fatigue,Headache

The acupuncture therapy for assisted reproduction is an ancient treatment method aimed at promoting fertility by stimulating acupoints in the body.